~My Needlework~

 I am currently stitching the Beatrix Potter Sampler. 
Here is how far I am 

I love working on Quaker samplers because of the motifs.  Each time I finish one I feel a wonderful sense of accomplishment.

I usually do my stitching in the evening, in my favorite over-stuffed chair with my three kitties competing for space (not to mention the thread wars that go on!)  I love to do needle work because it's so relaxing. I often have a small pot of tea to accompany me in my work, and my husband sits nearby. (He has tea too and says he likes to see me stitching.) 

I feel a sense of the history of needle work and the kinship to all the women who have gone before us, needle in hand.  And when the work is complete it truly is a joy forever.

I label the back of mine with a notation of who I would like to pass it onto after I go home to God. This one will be passed to my first grandaughter Ava.

Praise His name
and bless the friends,
